Internet Voting with Image Scanning

Receipt-Free Electronic Voting Scheme with Smart Card Using Blind Signature

V.K.Narendira Kumar, B. Srinivasan


Voting is regarded as one of the most effective methods for individuals to express their opinions to select their democratic leader in the public elections. As the computing, communicating, and cryptographic techniques progress rapidly, increasing emphasis has been placed on developing electronic voting schemes capable of providing more efficient voting services than conventional paper-based voting methods. A receipt-free e-voting scheme based on the virtual voting booth that can be implemented with a smart card. Receipt-freeness is achieved by distributing the voting procedure between the voter and the smart card. By using smart cards to randomize part of content of the ballot, the voter cannot construct a receipt. The voter and the smart card jointly contribute randomness for the encryption of the ballot. To provide convenience to voters, sufficient voting facilities are supplied in sufficient public voting booths.

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